Yesterday contributor Kairn wrote this outline which holds mind-blowing ramifications if an intercontinental airliner was equipped with a nuclear device. Obviously, things are unknown and this is just a hypothetical outline of what could happen if a rogue Islamic state, like Iran, were to assist a jihadist group to repurpose MH-370 or any intercontinental long range airliner.
But if you actually sit and think about “what if” - - – - What if a nuclear weapon was aboard a flight-based mobile platform. It’s in the air, you find out. Good grief… how would the world respond ?
The Kairn Hypothetical - This plane could be transformed into a flying “Hot Potato”. Once these evil bastards are done with their ground work, and after this plane is back up in the air, and has cleared Iranian airspace, the responsible group could announce to the whole world that the plane is in the air and that it is now a seriously deadly weapon.
I’m sure they have an exact target they will be directly flying to. But since the plane has been made in to a “Hot Potato” they will be just as happy to have the nuclear blast happen anywhere outside of Iranian airspace.
And that blast will happen whether the evil bastards make it so or whether any given nation with the ability to launch a missile at MH 370 can intercept it and destroy it.
But that means any given nation will have to make the decision to explode this “Hot Potato” over their neighboring nation or to explode it over their own nation.
There will be no scrambling of military jets to escort flight MH 370 away from populated areas. The jihadists flying this hot potato will not be intimidated in any fashion to abort their mission. And there will be humans piloting this plane.
For a dedicated jihadist, this is like the biggest Muslim martyrdom wet dream they could ever hope to make real for their Allah.
[Under this scenario] This mission will be a successful jihadi accomplishment whether the nuclear bomb goes off in EMP fashion or whether it goes off in a Hiroshima-type blast.
And whether it winds up exploding over some other nation besides the primary target, matters not. Because this is about destroying infidels first and foremost. No matter where the infidels are.
It doesn’t matter whether the jihadi pilots activate the bomb(s) or whether a defensively launched missile explodes it over who knows what land mass. Or whether the plane crash lands for what ever reason. The Muslims will obviously view any of these scenarios as a win/win.
If you think about it, in just about any scenario you can imagine the jihadist would have the upper hand. If you don’t refuel them upon request, they can detonate at an airport within your country.
This is like the suicide bomber wearing the TNT vest who you just caught in a crowd en route to his destination. What are you gonna do? His finger is on the button and he’s surrounded by innocents.
Only this is exponentially worse. Replace the TNT with a nuclear bomb capable of killing millions and a jihadist able to reach anywhere on the globe.
Those flying tell you to open the jail(s) or they detonate over one of your populated cities. They demand their brother’s/sister’s freedom - who’s going to say no ? In actuality they want you to say no – they’ve already won.
How do you keep the plane out of your country ? How do you stop it from reaching your country without risking your neighboring country ? What are the international diplomatic protocols ?
It really is a mind-blowing exercise to think about how much power would be in the hands of the people flying that plane.
Frightening to conceptualize.
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