其 實大多數女性都有纖維囊腫,但往往就是因為很多人都知道囊腫是個常見問題,所以即便感覺到了自己的囊腫也不那麼上心了,可是纖維囊腫有良性、惡性之分,也 非常容易和乳腺炎、乳腺癌混淆,再加上因為常見、多見,慢慢就會視而不見了,所以說,纖維囊腫決不是個可以忽視的情況,關愛自己,就應該有勇氣去正視它們 的問題,別因為羞澀而諱疾忌醫。
無 痛性的乳房腫塊恰巧是乳腺癌的特徵之一,所以說決不能掉以輕心。一般來說,炎癥引起的乳房腫塊會伴隨著局部性的紅腫熱脹,增生性的腫塊則有經期前脹痛的特 點,而乳腺癌的腫塊在早期並無明顯的疼痛感,甚至沒有感覺,只有到了晚期局部皮膚出現潰爛時才會出現疼痛癥狀,而這個時候往往已經晚了。
乳 腺癌多發生於45-70歲的中老年婦女。乳腺癌同樣也以乳房腫塊為表現,大多呈鵝卵石形狀,圓形或者橢圓。它們質地堅硬如石,腫塊表面欠光滑,活動度差, 易與皮膚及周圍組織發生粘連,腫塊可迅速生長,可呈無限制地生長而長至很大,同側腋窩淋巴結常有腫大。當發現了自己的乳房有不規則腫塊之後,應該立即到醫 院進行檢查、確定,一般早期都是用中藥治療,如果情況不樂觀,會採取手術方法。
拉菲兹预测油价下调29仙 RON95新价估计1.62令吉
Latest price of RON95, RON97 & DIESEL to be announced by the ministry at January 31, 2015.
SINGAPORE: About 150 people have lodged a police report, after a company they had invested in became uncontactable.
SINGAPORE: About 150 people have lodged a police report, after a company they had invested in became uncontactable.
The investors, who comprised both local and Chinese nationals, had invested a total of S$50 million. Individual investments ranged from S$40,000 to S$8 million.
Under the so-called “Sure Win 4 U” scheme set up by a Malaysian company, the money received would go towards funding professional gamblers.
Alleged victims were lured by returns of as much as three times their investment at the end of two years. The scheme promised a monthly payout of between five and nine per cent on investment. The money earned would be in the form of online credits, which could only be converted into cash by the company's team leaders.
Alarm bells started ringing in September last year, when investors were unable to contact team leaders from the firm. The company's Kuala Lumpur office was abandoned when an investor visited in October.
Police confirmed they have received a report, adding that it was inappropriate to comment at this time.
Madam Lao, who invested S$200,000 in the scheme, said: "I was thinking we are going to retire, and this seemed like a good platform because memberships numbered over 100,000 from all over the world. And this is the first time we have invested in such things. I did not know this was actually a scam case."
圆梦赢家?! 你是赌还是投资?新马大陆受害者排排坐,齐齐去报案
圆梦赢家?! 你是赌还是投资?
It might have emancipated women from the drudgery of the 'Missionary Position', but it seems that men are paying a painful price for revolution in the bedroom.
"Woman on top" is the most dangerous sex position, according to a new scientific study.
Scientists have found that the position, dubbed "cowgirl", is responsible for half of all penile fractures in the bedroom.
The research also revealed that the "doggy-style" position, with women on all fours, is behind 29 per cent of afflictions.
In contrast, the traditional "man on top" is responsible for just 21 per cent.
Doctors and academics looked at patients attending three A&E units with suspected "penile fractures" over a 13 year period.
Half of them reported hearing a crack before experiencing pain, with some also suffering swelling.
Their average age was 34 and some of the men waited up to six hours before seeking medical help.
The research concluded: "Our study supports the fact that sexual intercourse with 'woman on top' is the potentially riskiest sexual position related to penile fracture.
"Our hypothesis is that when woman is on top she usually controls the movement with her entire body weight landing on the erect penis, not being able to interrupt it when the penis suffers a wrong way penetration, because the harm is usually minor in woman with no pain but major in the penis.
"On the contrary, when the man is controlling the movement, he has better chances of stopping the penetration energy in response to the pain related to the penis harm, minimizing it."
The study found that 44 men had attended hospital, with 42 having "the condition confirmed after clinical, radiological and surgical evaluation".
Of these, 28 were injured in heterosexual romps, four during homosexual intercourse, six as a result of "penis manipulation" and four in circumstances which were "unclear".
Half of them reported hearing a crack before experiencing pain, with some also suffering swelling.
Their average age was 34 and some of the men waited up to six hours before seeking medical help.
The research concluded: "Our study supports the fact that sexual intercourse with 'woman on top' is the potentially riskiest sexual position related to penile fracture.
"Our hypothesis is that when woman is on top she usually controls the movement with her entire body weight landing on the erect penis, not being able to interrupt it when the penis suffers a wrong way penetration, because the harm is usually minor in woman with no pain but major in the penis.
"On the contrary, when the man is controlling the movement, he has better chances of stopping the penetration energy in response to the pain related to the penis harm, minimizing it."
The study found that 44 men had attended hospital, with 42 having "the condition confirmed after clinical, radiological and surgical evaluation".
Of these, 28 were injured in heterosexual romps, four during homosexual intercourse, six as a result of "penis manipulation" and four in circumstances which were "unclear".
The study, published in the Advances in Urology journal, reads: "Half of patients (50 per cent) presented with the classical triad of an audible crack followed by pain.
"The presentation time of patients to the hospital after penile fracture ranged from 0.5 to 6 hours."
"Penile fracture is a relatively uncommon clinical condition that frequently causes fear and embarrassment for the patient, hypothetically resulting in delayed search for medical assistance, which can lead to impairment of sexual and voiding functions,” said the authors.
"Considering that most studies are retrospective and based on patients records information regarding the social dynamics surrounding penile fracture is scarce in the literature, mainly potentially risky sexual positions."
The scientists, who looked at three hospitals in Campinas, a city of three million people in Brazil, used hospital records and in some cases interviewed the patients.
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11359960/Woman-on-t...
"Penile fracture is a relatively uncommon clinical condition that frequently causes fear and embarrassment for the patient, hypothetically resulting in delayed search for medical assistance, which can lead to impairment of sexual and voiding functions,” said the authors.
"Considering that most studies are retrospective and based on patients records information regarding the social dynamics surrounding penile fracture is scarce in the literature, mainly potentially risky sexual positions."
The scientists, who looked at three hospitals in Campinas, a city of three million people in Brazil, used hospital records and in some cases interviewed the patients.
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11359960/Woman-on-t...
▼1. 厕所影院,这样你就任何情节都不会错失啦。
▼2. 360度的电源插座。
▼3. 这个App可以帮你取消订阅垃圾邮件,只需简单地拍张照。
▼4. 超级舒服的电影院座位。
▼5. 有倒数计时指标的交通信号灯。
▼6. 一支可以扫描侦测并且写出任何颜色的笔。
▼7. 一个可折叠的自行车头盔。
▼8. 有USB插口的墙壁插座。
▼9. 它还有一个内建的夜灯。
▼10. 墙上的插座能拉出延长线。
▼11. 你可以在你的钥匙、钱包、电脑或者任何东西上挂上小标签。如果丢了东西的时候,可以通过智能手机查找他们的位置。
▼12. 新鲜披萨自动贩卖机。
▼13. 你总是可以在这个长凳上找到一个干净的座位。(旁边的杆子可把座位翻面)
▼14. 可拆开及旋转的移动式插座。
▼15. 可以接住水滴的杯子。
▼16. 停车场里有显示空位的灯。
▼17. 楼梯两旁有滑梯。
▼18. 超市里有让自己制作饮料包装的机器。
▼19. 磁性开关座盖。
▼20. 防止乱扔垃圾。(人们都有喜欢投篮的心理)
▼21. 背包雨衣/风衣。可惜我以前上学时还没发明这种东西。
▼22. 冷热饮手机充电座。
▼23. 或这个太阳能充电器。
▼24. 感应式饮水机。
▼25. 地铁站里的饮料瓶回收机。
▼26. 包装里附有的取出薯片的小设计。
▼27. 有趣的清洁工具。
▼28. 一把易於清洁的梳子。
▼29. 不会纠结一团的耳机线。
▼30. USB充电式电池。
▼31. 容易拆封的透明包装胶带。
▼32. 不占用人行道空间的自行车架。
▼33. 有趣的警示牌。