Demonstrators take to the streets in Kuala Lumpur tonight to protest the rising cost of living - Perhimpuan Turun 3112

In anticipation of a gloomy 2014, demonstrators take to the streets in Kuala Lumpur tonight to protest the rising cost of living as a result of the government's austerity measures.

The New Year’s Eve protest, organised by a coalition of NGOs led by Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), will see participants gathering at three meeting points - Sogo Shopping Complex at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Pasar Seni and Masjid Jamek.

They will then march to Dataran DBKL before proceeding to the adjacent Dataran Merdeka where the Kuala Lumpur City Hall is organising a New Year's concert.

The authorities have accused protest organisers of planning to overthrow the government and police have branded the rally "illegal".

Police claim to have intelligence that dangerous weapons and bombs will be present at the demonstration but protest organisers have vehemently denied this.

Turun chief Mohd Azan Safar said the government was attempting to distract attention from the cost of living issues, which is the focus of the protest.


7.35pm, Dataran Merdeka - The crowd for the New Year 2014 countdown has begun to gather on the field opposite the Sultan Abdul Samad building where a stage has been set up. The event organisers are preparing for a concert, which is expected to kick off at 8pm.

Police personnel are few and far in between and the entrance into Dataran Merdeka from the direction of Sogo, one of the gathering points for protesters, remains open to access.

However, some 50 DBKL (City Hall) officers are camped near the intersection of Dataran Merdeka and Jalan Tun Perak.

7.40pm, Sogo - More than 200 people have gathered in front of the shopping complex. Most of them appear to be PAS members and they perform their maghrib prayers in front of the mall.

7.45pm, Central Market - No obvious signs of protestors within the vicinity yet but there are several traffic police personnel spotted, along with one patrol car. The place is still teeming with tourists.

7.50pm, Dataran DBKL - The weather is cloudy and breezy. Low rumblings from the sky could be heard and rain appear likely later tonight.

The site here, where protesters from the three meeting points will march to before proceeding to Dataran Merdeka, remains open to the public.

Only a few of DBKL (City Hall) officers are spotted along the edges of the square. A handful of protesters, clad in black, have also gathered here instead of the designated meeting points.

8.05pm, Sogo - A group of students from had made their way from Kelantan to be part of the rally because they believe that the recent rise in cost for essential goods to be an injustice.
"We came here because we want to uphold justice. We are here to defend the rights of the people," says student Aziz Afiq Abdul.
There is minimal presence within the vicinity of the mall while the protestors are slowly trickling in.
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The Perfect Feng Shui Bedroom

The Perfect Feng Shui Bedroom

Here you'll find some fantastic feng shui bedroom advice for creating your ideal bedroom. You'll learn everything you need to know to "feng shui your bedroom" including the best colors, the proper position for your bed, how to create a sensual bedroom
In many ways, the bedroom is the most important room in the house because it is where you probably spend the majority of your time. Your bedroom is where you rest and rejuvenate your mind and body, therefore it should be a personal sanctuary.

A feng shui bedroom is cozy, comfortable, intimate, serene, sensual and deeply restful.
Feng shui for the bedroom focuses on serenity which can be achieved through subtle lighting, peaceful colors, and comfortable furnishings. Use warm, rich colors like browns, cream, lavender, beiges, and earth tones to create a nurturing environment. Include sensual, serene, or romantic images that calm and inspire you. Every object should elicit a positive, nurturing response.

Cool colors like blues, greens, and too much white will diminish intimacy and sensuality. As an alternative, inspire tenderness and passion with luxurious fabrics, earthy red colors, and subtle candlelight. Create a sensual, romantic atmosphere by making the bed the focal point of the room—making sure that you can walk on both sides of the bed. Don’t display solitary images if you want a romantic relationship. Instead, promote equality and partnership by displaying paired objects and placing a nightstand on each side of the bed with its own lamp.

Keep in mind that the position of your bed—along with your desk—is one of the MOST IMPORTANT feng shui adjustments you can make. By simply adjusting your desk and bed into the power position, you are making one of the most fundamental and transformative changes for personal success and happiness.

You must be able to see the door from your bed. Ideally, you want to be as far away from the door as possible so that you can see the entire room. In feng shui this is called the command, or power position. If you cannot position your bed where you can see the door directly, then place a mirror so that you can see a reflection of the door from your bed. Avoid placing your bed in direct line with the door — the energy flowing in through the door will disrupt your sleep and could cause health problems. If you have no other choice, put a bench, trunk, or other piece of furniture to suggest protection between you and the door. 

Make sure that images seen from the bed are relaxing, calm, pleasant and harmonious. Create a tranquil view with art, silk plants and soothing colors.

A feng shui bedroom feels safe. There shouldn’t be any sharp objects that you could bump into, heavy objects hanging over your head, or disturbing images. All the furniture should be soft, safe and comfortable. You can foster a sense of security by first making sure you can see the door from your bed. Also, avoid anything that might show your reflection (ie. mirrors or TV) while lying in bed — nothing is more alarming than seeing movement out of the corner of your eye when you are trying to sleep!
In addition to being a room for rest, rejuvenation, tenderness and passion, the bedroom often reflects your inner self and subconscious mind.
Look for clues in your bedroom to see what it might be saying about you. If you have a dark, dreary bedroom it might mean you are frightened and shy. To courageously open yourself up to new relationships and experiences, try opening up the curtains and letting natural light stream in, paint it an uplifting color, and hang inspirational images of happy couples. If you have cluttered closets and bureaus it makes for a cluttered mind. To gain more clarity, clean up your clutter and get rid of everything you don’t use or love!

To create a feng shui bedroom, follow the general advice outlined below. Don’t be afraid to take it to the next level by making your bedroom an accurate reflection of your desires. When you feng shui your bedroom, follow your intuition to construct a clear, centered, peaceful, and loving image of yourself. Choose images and items that inspire the appropriate feelings within. How do you know if something is right for you? If it leaves you feeling energized and inspired you, it is right for you. Have fun with this and experiment!

  • Place your bed so that you can see the door
  • Make your bedroom cozy, comfortable, intimate, serene, sensual, and deeply restful
  • Use subtle lighting, peaceful colors, and comfortable furnishings
  • Encourage equality with two nightstands—each with a lamp
  • Choose rich, warm feng shui bedroom colors like browns, cream, lavenders, pinks, tans, beiges, peaches, violets, earthy reds, coral, chocolate, butter cream, terra-cotta, raspberry, burgundy, gold, bronze, rust, salmon, and honey
  • Add sensual, serene, or romantic images that calm and inspire you
  • Images seen from bed should be peaceful and pleasant
  • Select natural, luxurious, and sensuous linens
  • Have a solid headboard

  • Avoid cool colors; they will diminish intimacy and sensuality
  • If you divorce, get new bedroom furniture
  • Avoid photos of friends, family and religious figures “watching” you
  • No sharp edges
  • Don’t hang heavy objects over your head
  • Avoid views of cluttered closets or bathroom from the bed
  • Don’t put your bed in path of door
  • No mirrors reflecting the bed
  • Don’t store clutter under your bed
  • Don’t put your bed underneath a window; if you can’t avoid it, create the illusion of support with drapes, wooden shutters, or use a heavy headboard
  • Avoid all electrical equipment within five feet of the bed
  • Remove or soften anything looming overhead like a ceiling beam by moving your bed or covering the beam with cloth
  • Avoid having a TV in the bedroom or hide it when it is not in use
  • No desk or exercise equipment (screen them if you have to)
  • No live plants or flowers, silk is okay (too much activating chi)
  • No water and water images—too much emotional energy
  • Don’t overcrowd your bedroom with furniture
  • Avoid clutter, cluttered closets, or junk under bed

  • Make children’s rooms tranquil and calm with warm pastels and rich colors—bright, primary colors will make children hyperactive
  • Change art and decorative items from flying, falling, driving, running, etc. to a motif that is tranquil and calm
  • Bolster your child’s self esteem by hanging their artwork, awards, and other indicators of achievement
  • At nighttime, store “active” games out of sight and keep out comforting toys like stuffed animals
  • Teach your children to let go of things they don’t want in order to receive new things they would really like to have
  • Add photos of family for love and security
  • Hide mirrors
  • If your children share a bedroom, make sure they each have their own space
  • Incorporate symbols of tenderness like fairies, fireflies, etc.

How to create a feng shui desk

How to create a feng shui desk

To create the perfect feng shui desk, you need to consider the following things:
  • Position
  • Organization
  • Bagua
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Material

Feng Shui desk position

You must be able to see door from your desk.
The ideal desk position has a commanding view of the door, a pleasant view out of a window, and a solid wall behind you. You don't want to sit directly in front of the door, but you should still see people coming and going.
You should be able to see as much of the room as possible.
You cannot control what you can't see. The diagram below shows the best place for your feng shui desk.

Again, you want a commanding view of the room; it will give you authority. The best position is on diagonal across from the door. If a window is behind you, place a large piece of furniture or a plant behind you to provide stability.
The view from your desk is important, it affects everything you do.
Make sure the view from your desk is pleasing. Avoid a blank wall (which will contribute to a lack of vision and a shortage of opportunities) or chaotic views.


A clean and organized desk allows room for new
ideas and enables you to make better decisions.
A cluttered desk indicates procrastination and mental confusion.
De-clutter your desk.
The only items on your desk should be items that you use daily and you should be able to reach everything easily. In addition, hide wires and cords.

Feng shui bagua

You can apply the Feng Shui bagua to the top of your desk. The image below illustrates an example.
The illustration above demonstrates how you can arrange a desk according to the feng shui bagua map. The bamboo plant or calculator should go in the abundance area; the lamp in the fame area; the photo of a happy couple or 2 red roses in the relationship area; the pens, markers, and scissors in the creativity area; the phone in the helpful people area; the computer in the career area; the reference books in the knowledge area; and the floral box filled with groups of supplies in the family area.

Feng shui desk size.

Your desk should be proportioned correctly big enough to work, but not so big that it overpowers the office or you can't reach items on your desk.
A large, expansive desk connotes productivity and command over your business.

Feng shui desk shapes

  • Rectangle: A rectangular desk is good for concentration. It is an appropriate shape for office work.
  • Circle: A circular desk is good for brainstorming and creativity.
  • Curved: A curved shape desk is great for concentration if you are sitting on the inside of the curve this is because the energy is pulling inward towards you. The outside curve will keep people from lingering.
  • Close front: A desk with a closed front establishes boundaries.
  • Open front: A desk with an open front feels more intimate people will feel more comfortable approaching you.

Feng shui office desk colors

  • Black: moves energy down and in, encourages introspection, opens up possibilities
  • Brown: supports and strengthens physical body, does not activate mind
  • White: energizes the mind, drains physical body
  • Gray: focuses mind, drains physical body
  • Green: balances body and mind, sustains longer efforts
  • Muted tones: increase mental focus without draining physical body as much as gray
  • Bright colors: activate eye, making the body and mind restless
  • Most wooden desks or medium-toned surfaces provide just the right amount of contrast with white paper to alleviate visual strain.

Feng shui office desk material

  • Wood: solid, sturdy, reliable, predictable, supportive, long lasting
  • Metal: sharp, penetrating, lots of mental energy, concentration
  • Glass: revealing, you have nothing to hide* (energy moves too quickly through a glass desk, slow it down with wooden accessories or a plant)
  • Laminate: energetically neutral

  • Do not have a cluttered desk
  • Avoid poison arrows or soften with plant
  • No windows behind you
  • Don't put desk in front of door
  • Avoid facing a blank wall
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(1) Oil 油
(2) Coffee 咖啡
不管是泡好的咖啡还是咖啡豆,都不能放进冰箱!咖啡最大的问题就是, 它会像海绵一样将身旁所有味道都吸进去,所以当我们把它放到冰箱裡, 它就会开始吸收身边的味道 ( 苹果来一点、鲑鱼来一点 ),到最后它就会咖啡都不咖啡了。另外一个问题是,当咖啡遇见骤降的低温时,会开始脱水, 也改变了咖啡豆原本的好味道。
(3) Fresh Herbs 新鲜香草
(4) Tomatoes 蕃茄
蕃茄它储存在冰箱最大的问题是:冰冷的温度会开始让它内部纹理改变, 造成极大的浩劫然后就…变成粉粉的了。每次只要吃到有粉粉蕃茄的沙拉,我就知道是因为它被放进冰箱过了。
(5) Onions 洋葱
跟蕃茄老兄差不多,洋葱兄也是一样会神奇地变粉状,如果放在冰箱太久甚至会发霉。如果还把洋葱切开来放的话,它的表面会越来越乾越来越乾,就算包紧了保鲜膜也回不去了。不过他跟咖啡不一样的是,在任何它所在的位置它都会开始散播本身的味道, 这也是为什麽砧板用到最后,就算洗乾淨了还是会有洋葱味。如果不想要冰箱有洋葱兄的味道的话,还是不要放进去比较好唷。
(6) Potatoes 马铃薯
(7) Bananas 香蕉
(8).Honey 蜂蜜
就算把罐装蜂蜜放 1000 年,它还是会像原本储存时一样那麽新鲜。霸特! 当我们将蜜蜂,啊!是蜂蜜放进冰箱之后,则会加速糖分的结晶过程,让它变成好像硬掉的麵糰一样,让人很难挖出来。
(9) Garlic 大蒜
在冰箱裡,大蒜会变化得非常快。它会很快发霉然后变得像橡胶一样软。 最可怕的是,很贼的大蒜哥外表完全看不出来内部的变化,所以很难分辨其实他已经变质了,只有等到要用切开时才发现:喔噢 天哪…
(10) Melon 瓜
很多瓜类水果在还没被切开时,都建议放在冰箱裡。切开之后的瓜类就最好不要放在冰箱裡;事实上,已经有研究指出就算我们将瓜类放在一般室温中,还是可以维持他的抗氧化水平 。
(11) Avocado 酪梨
(12) 麵包
麵包生来就不属于冰箱。只有在它们变成三明治时才勉强算可以冰起来。 不然的话,把麵包冰进冰箱只会让它变得更硬更难吃。低温也会让新鲜的麵包很快变得不新鲜。


14 Must See Bedroom Feng Shui Taboos (With Illustrations)

Unveiling Feng Shui Taboos for Bedroom, Do not Miss!

Under-mentioned listed are the taboo that you must take note and take care.

1. Bedroom door facing the toilet door

If you have this type of arrangement, it will cause illness mainly on bones and muscles and also loss of wealth. Toilet is a place with moisture, stinky and bad smell, so if you will absorb the negative energy.

2. Bed facing the room door

It will cause health problem to different parts of your body depending on the door facing.
a. Door facing head – It will cause headache and migraine
b. Door facing stomach – It will cause gastric and stomach problems
c. Door facing legs – It will cause problem relating to your lower body

3. Toilet door facing your bed

Toilet door facing your bed
This situation is worse than scenario 1 (room door facing toilet door).It will cause serious headache and make you lost concentration when thinking. If this problem is not resolved is not resolved for a long time, it might cause cancer. It might also lead other types of illness, so it is better to change your bed arrangement as fast as possible.

4. Mirror facing the bed

Mirror facing the bed
This situation will cause you to be in a trance and cannot concentrate your thinking right. See illustration for the places that is suitable to put mirror if really necessary. Try not to put any mirrors in bedroom if possible.

5. Beam above your bed

Beam above your bed
With beam overhead, it give you a feeling of pressure above you and it might cause insomnia, lack of sleep and headache.

6. Bed facing wall knives

Bed facing wall knives
It might cause dizziness, headache and undetectable illness symptoms.
Solution: In case of a protruding wall corner, or a piece of furniture that cannot be moved, try working with fabric to soften the sharp energy and implement the rounding of a sharp corner. Although it is not cheap, but if you plan to stay long in the house, it is something worth considering.

7. Bed below staircase

Bed below staircase
With this poor placement of the bed, it will cause the person sleeping to have nightmare and bad luck.
Solution: It is not possible to move your stairs so you can just move your bed to a better location.

8. Head facing wall behind toilet bowl

Head facing wall behind toilet bowl
It will cause long period of headache, ideological confusion and your mind cannot concentrate.
Solution: Move the bed to a better location but also take note to apply the bed feng shui tips too.

9. Head behind the wall that partition your room and altar

Head behind the wall that partition your room and altar
Only the temple fair and Psychic can sleep in this way, so for us, it is recommended to avoid.
Solution: Move either your bed or adjust the altar position.

10. Headboard does not have solid backing support

Headboard does not have solid backing support
Some people like to slant their bed to create a romantic atmosphere or adjusting the bed to move away from beam overhead, but always remember that bedboard must have solid wall supporting as a backing. If not , it will affect the quality of sleep.

11. Placing TV, Sound System and handphone in front of your bed

Placing TV, Sound System and handphone in front of your bed
Bedroom is a place to rest and re-enegerize yourself for the next day and if you put TV in your room, you tends to watch it for 1 or 2 hours till you feel sleepy. This will deprive your hours of sleep and affect your next day energy. If this prolong, it will affect your health and career too. Mobile phone tends to give off radiation even in stand by mode so it is not advisable to place it beside you while sleeping.

12. Air-con directly above your bed

Air-con is directly above your bed
If the air con is directly above you, the cold air will blow straight towards your body and especially when you are sleeping, your pores will be slightly opened so it can easily cause sickness like cold, muscle rigidity and headache.

13. Position of bed is above or below the stove or toilet

Position of bed is above or below the stove or toilet
If your bed is above or below the stove, it can affect your liver function as it increase the fire element and toilet is a place of filth, so it will cause health issue.

14. Fanciful decoration on the Bedroom ceiling

Fanciful decoration on the Bedroom ceiling
It is always best to keep the ceiling above your head as simple as possible (Nothing is the best). In the recent years, people like to decorate their ceiling with mirror or some art pieces and this will cause difficulties in sleeping and in long term, it will cause health issue.
Hope these tips will help you in renovating your bedroom in good Feng Shui way.

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