Pembentangan Akaun RM 2.6 juta Bersih 4

Pembentangan Akaun RM 2.6 juta Bersih 4
Seperti yang dijanjikan, Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH 2.0) hari ini membentangkan akaun dan perbelanjaan perhimpunan aman Bersih 4.
Kami berbesar hati untuk mengumumkan bahawa daripada penyata bank sepanjang 2,126 mukasurat yang telah kami terima, sekitar 27 ribu penderma telah menyumbang secara purata RM 76 seorang. Majoritinya telah menderma antara RM 10 ke RM 50.

Jumlah derma yang kami terima adalah sebanyak RM 2,064,652.74. Hasil derma melalui jualan kemeja-t Bersih 4 adalah sebanyak RM 553,914, manakala hasil jualan mafla pula adalah sebanyak RM 28,795. Ini membawa kepada jumlah besar RM2,647,361.74.
Jumlah perbelanjaan Bersih 4 termasuk pra-perhimpunan dan perbelanjaan ketika perhimpunan adalah sebanyak RM664,052.52.
Jumlah lebihan sebanyak RM 1,983,309.22 akan digunakan untuk mendanai program BERSIH 2.0 untuk jangkamasa dua tahun akan datang; termasuklah program pendidikan pengundi, kos mahkamah, latihan dan sebagainya.
Dengan ini lunaslah sudah janji BERSIH 2.0 untuk membentangkan perbelanjaan kami sepanjang penganjuran perhimpunan aman Bersih 4.
Kini tiba giliran Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk mendedahkan akaun RM 2.6 bilionnya pula.Sekiranya beliau gagal berbuat demikian, maka jelaslah kredibiliti beliau telah hilang sama sekali.
Dikeluarkan oleh,
Jawatankuasa Pemandu BERSIH 2.0, yang terdiri daripada –
Pengerusi: Maria Chin Abdullah; Timbalan Pengerusi: Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan; Bendahari: Masjaliza Hamzah; wakil kebangsaan: Prof Madya Dr Abdul Halim bin Yusof, Farhana binti Abdul Halim, Fadiah Nadwa Fikri dan New Sin Yew; naib pengerusi: Jannie Lasimbang (Sabah), Ahmad b. Awang Ali (Sarawak), Abd Halim b. Wan Ismail (Semenanjung Timur), Thomas Fann (Semenanjung Selatan), Simon Lee Ying Wai (Semenanjung Tengah) dan Dato’ Dr Toh Kin Woon (Semenanjung Utara).


社交網站面子書上的一名網友Engku Nasrun發文,一一舉例出他族對馬來同胞的寬容、禮讓精神,並向集會者質問:「請問我們哪裡受到威脅了?不要一點點事就吵架,好嗎?為什麼要那麼種族主義?」

1. 非巫裔和非穆斯林同胞每天清晨都會被我們的祈禱聲吵醒,但他們有因此生氣或搗亂嗎?若是教堂安裝揚聲器,讓大家每個星期日都聽見基督教徒布道,會發生什麼事呢?聖戰!

2. 每個星期五,我們是最無敵的,因為清真寺的路旁,滿是我們祈禱者的車子,造成交通堵塞,非穆斯林也只能接受。  

3. 我們買屋子,有土著折扣。但,非土著也是馬來西亞人,但他們買房子有折扣嗎?這不就是馬來人的權益?還是種族隔離制度?  

4. 那些優秀的非穆斯林、非土著學生,想要進大學,都要擠破頭,甚至欠大耳窿等,就是為了還大學、私立學院的學費。但,我們沒關係,我們有瑪拉工藝大學(UiTM),還有瑪拉學院。要知道,非穆斯林也是大馬公民,但待他們畢業後,我們也享受他們所繳交的稅收。  

5. 很多非巫裔、非土著的父母都會把孩子送到私立學院,或是國外讀書,因此得到的見識更廣,懂的東西更多。這些孩子畢業後回國努力工作,也升職得更快;但這時候就有很多人說,他們被邊緣化了,這不公平,政府沒有打救馬來人。  

6. 以前在上學時期,我們說一說英文,就會有人奚落我們,說我們「洋化」,這樣是錯誤的。那些奚落我們的人是誰?就是那些說尊嚴受辱的族群。  

7. 我們都已經獨立58年了,我們華、印、巫還有其他族群一起生活,已經多少年過去了。如今步入21世紀,我們當中仍有一些人完全不了解其他族群的文化。要其他族群尊重我們,我們就要先尊重人家。

8. 連其他族群的文化都不理會,卻要其他族群的人遵循我們的文化,理解我們的文化,怎麼可以這樣?對他人文化不敏感的,明明就是我們。  

9. 其他族群都害怕針對我們族群有聯繫的東西開玩笑,擔心會得罪我們,或是引起不滿,其實都還好,但不知道為何我們時常「被得罪」。  

10. 我們不斷強調所謂的「聖潔」,要保持食物的神聖,甚至要在冰箱上貼著「清真食品而已」的標籤。但你看,我們在印裔同胞面前吃牛肉時,他們也都沒有關係。不過,若是我們的朋友在我們面前吃豬肉時,就覺得噁心。沒錯,我們是不可以吃豬肉,但有必要到無法看豬肉,甚至嘔吐的程度嗎?看生殖器官就可以,不會覺得噁心。  

11. 有教堂建在馬來人住宅區附近,就覺得那個十字架讓我們很不舒服,會扭曲我們的信仰;教堂也不得不屈服,把十字架拿下來,真可憐。我們在非穆斯林住宅區建清真寺,若有人來吵,我們應該就會開聖戰了,簡直就像被溺愛、寵壞的孩子,真的很丟臉!  

12. 動輒吵架,開聖戰,為什麼要如此種族主義?看看我們的國王、蘇丹、首相、副首相、總警長、武裝部隊,他們都是馬來人,到底我們哪裡被威脅了? 有關帖文才上傳不到短短一天,就有超過2千人轉載分享,對網友Engku Nasrun表示認同,也感謝他說出非巫裔的心聲。有


Ini hanyalah pandangan aku. Ini ruang aku.  

1. Rakyat Malaysia yang non-malays dan non-muslim bumiputra mahupun non-bumiputra kebanyakannya terima dengan hati yang terbuka laungan Azan subuh yang menganggu tidur mereka. Tak pulak mereka nak buat kecoh dan marah. Bagaimana kalau pihak gereja mula pasang loudspeaker untuk sekalian tempat dengar khutbah Ahad mereka? Ooh.. nanti aqidah kita lari. Jihad!  

2. Hari Jumaat, kitalah paling hebat sebab boleh parking di tepi-tepi jalan berdekatan masjid sebab nak solat Jumaat. Lalulintas terganggu dan trafik tergendala. Non-muslim terpaksa terima jer.  

3. Kita nak beli rumah, ada "bumiputra discount". Org non-bumi beli rumah xde pulak padahal diorg pun Rakyat Malaysia. Apa? hak istimewa org Melayu? Ke Apartheid?  

4. Non-Malays, non-bumiputra yang cemerlang nak masuk Universiti sampai berdarah hidung, bergadai, berhutang Ah Long sebab nak bayar Uni atau kolej swasta. Kita takper sebab ada UiTM la, ada kolej mara la. Diorg pun rakyat Malaysia. Bila diorg dah grad, cukai hasil kerja diorg jugak kita makan.  

5. Yang non-malays non-bumi yang mak bapak hantar ke kolej swasta tadi ada pulak yang ke luar negara, maka banyak lah pulak exposure dan banyak kenalan dapat. Bila mereka dah grad, balik ke Malaysia, meraka jadi tenaga kerja yang lagi progresif, lagi padu. Pandai speaking. Cepat naik pangkat. Yang lain (termasuk kita barangkali) mula rasa ditindas la, tak adil la, tak "tolong melayu" la.  

6. Cakap pasal pandai "speaking", masa kat sekolah bila kita "speaking" sikit, ada kawan-kawan yang ejek. Kata kita poyo lah, kata kita "kebaratan" sangat lah, kafir lah. Mula lah kene pulau. Yang ejek tu, yang pulau (ehem.. menindas) tu bangsa apa? Ni lah bangsa yang kata maruah terjejas.  

7. Dah 58 tahun merdeka. Sebelum tu dah berapa tahun dah bangsa Cina, India, Baba, Melayu dan lain lain hidup bersama. Ni dah masuk abad ke-21 tapi masih ada antara kita yang amatlah jahil dengan budaya bangsa lain. Nak bangsa lain hormat kita, kita kene start hormat dulu.  

8. Ni budaya bangsa lain pun kita tak ambik peduli. Sibuk nak bangsa lain ikut dan faham budaya kita jer. Mana boleh macam ni bro. Yang tak sensitif sebenarnya kita. Diorg dah banyak ikut angin kita.  

9. Kita dilihat sebagai bangsa yang mengada-ngada sampai bangsa lain takut pulak nak bergurau senda dengan kita. Takut kalau mereka tersilap menyinggung perasaan atau tercakap bende yang yang padahal ok jer tetapi kita mungkin tak pasal-pasal tersinggung entah kenapa.  

10. "Suci" dalam debu. Nak sangat org jaga kesucian makanan ko. Sampai ada tampal sticker kat peti sejuk ofis "Halal only". Padahal takder lah kene sampai macam tu sekali. Yang Hindu relax jer tengok kita layan daging depan diorg. Tapi kalau kawan kita makan babi, geli.. kembang tekak. Babi tu memang lah haram dimakan tapi kenapa sampai takleh tengok lah, nak muntah lah. Drama. Tengok aurat ok pulak. Tak geli kembang tekak ke sebab itu pun haram.  

11. Ada gereja bina dekat kawasan Melayu, kecoh jadinya. Salib tu boleh pesong aqidah kita. Pasal aqidah kita nipis sgt. Tak pasal-pasal jadi kes. Pihak gereja pun mengalah. Turunkan salib. Kesian. Kalau kita bina Masjid tapi non-muslim bikin kecoh, mula lah nak jihad konon, kita kene tindas konon. Kan elok kalau relax jer. Dah macam budak kecik yang manja. Org bangsa lain kene pandai amik hati kita. Malu lah.  

12. So, apa yang terancam? Sikit-sikit nak gaduh. Sikit-sikit nak jihad. Rasis sgt kenape? Refleksi: Raja-raja & Sultan: Melayu Perdana Menteri: Melayu Timbalan Perdana Menteri: Melayu Ketua Polis Negara: Melayu Panglima Angkatan Tentera: Melayu Apa yang terancam sangat?

Rulers want 1MDB probe wrapped up soon, wrongdoers punished

The Conference of Rulers has decreed that the probe into 1MDB be completed as soon as possible and the wrongdoers, if any, be punished.
"The findings of this probe must be reported in full and transparently so the people can be convinced of the government's sincerity that it would never hide the facts and the truth.
"Failure to give an explanation and satisfactory answers may cause a confidence crisis," read the sultans' statement issued by the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal, Syed Danial Syed Ahmad.
In the joint statement, the Malays rulers also asked all responsible parties to give their full cooperation so that the purpose of the investigation is fulfilled.

Why only threaten to sue Liong Sik, not Dr M? Guan Eng asks Najib

GEORGE TOWN, Oct 6 — Lim Guan Eng today questioned Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s lawsuit threat against Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and asked why the prime minister only appeared to be targeting the former MCA president and not Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the chief protagonist of the campaign to unseat him.

Lim, who is DAP secretary-general, pointed out that all Dr Ling had done last weekend was support statements made by Dr Mahathir.
“Why is he (Najib) not suing Dr Mahathir when Dr Ling was only repeating what Dr Mahathir said?” he asked.
Lim also demanded to know why Najib has yet to launch his proposed lawsuit against the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and the New York Times (NYT) over their reports containing allegations against him.
“If he say these reports are untrue, he should sue them,” he said.
Najib sent a legal letter to Dr Ling yesterday demanding that the latter withdraw and apologise over claims that he “took” public funds for himself.
In a letter from the Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak law firm that represents Najib, the prime minister accused Dr Ling of defamation in remarks by the latter published in news articles on Saturday.

“We have been instructed to take action and demand a retraction, unequivocal apology and reasonable compensation for the abovementioned defamatory statement regarding our client,” the letter read.
The article in question was one titled “MCA’s Liong Sik joins call for Najib’s ouster for allegedly putting people’s money in his own pocket” published by Malay Mail Online during the weekend.
In it, Dr Ling expressed agreement with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s demand for Najib to resign as the prime minister alleged “has taken people’s money and put it in his own personal accounts.”
The 72-year-old also spoke out about his participation in the Perth edition of the Bersih 4 rally last August, organised by electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 to push for Najib’s resignation from office.
MCA has since distanced itself from Ling’s remarks, with secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan categorising the statement as the former party president’s personal opinion.

Bersih declares RM2.6 million account, dares Najib to do the same

Electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 today declared its accounts and expenditure from the RM2.6 million it received in public donations for the Bersih 4 rally held at the end of August. Announcing a RM1.9 million surplus after deducting RM664,052 in expenses for the 34-hour rally, Bersih also challenged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to declare the RM2.6 billion donation he allegedly received from a Middle Eastern benefactor. 

Bersih said today that some 27,000 individuals had made donations to the civil society group for the Bersih 4 rally held on August 29 and 30 to demand democratic reforms and Najib's resignation over alleged financial scandal. 

A 2,126-page bank statement with details of the donors has also been sent to the auditors, the group announced today.
"What we are declaring today has been ratified by our financial officers," Bersih treasurer Masjaliza Hamzah said today at a press conference at the group's headquarters in Petaling Jaya.
The declaration comes just over a month following the rally, and after Bersih chairman Maria Chin Abdullah had promised that the group would declare its accounts after receiving the unprecedented sum of money.
The Bersih 4 rally cost the group over RM 300,000 while another RM 340,000 was spent for pre-rally expenditures, including the printing of T-shirts.

The surplus will be used for Bersih's future programs, which included voter education, costs for court cases, training, Masjalizah added.
With some 27,000 donors, the average amount given by each individual worked out to RM76 per person.
The majority of donors, however, donated between RM10 to RM50, Bersih added.
Repeating calls to Najib to declare the RM2.6 billion donation that went to his personal accounts, Masjalizah said the prime minister's credibility would "disappear" if he did not do so.
Najib and several BN leaders had before this accused Bersih of not declaring their accounts. – October 6, 2015.
The Bersih 2.0 team holding part of the 2,126 pages of the bank statement, which will now be sent to the auditors. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, October 6, 2015.

Tun M bukan pengkhianat UMNO – Hishammuddin

KUALA LUMPUR: Tidak wajar menganggap Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai pengkhianat kepada UMNO walaupun beliau membuat pelbagai kritikan terhadap parti itu.

Perkara itu ditegaskan oleh Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein yang turut mengakui tuduhan dan kritikan Dr Mahathir bukan sesuatu yang baharu.

“Kalau dari segi parti tidak ada (pengkhianatan). Juga tuduhan Mahathir juga bukan suatu perkara baru,” katanya kepada pemberita dalam sidang media di Majlis Pra-Pelancaran Malaysia United Run, pada Selasa.

Hishammuddin bagaimanapun berkata, kritikan Dr Mahathir terhadap pemimpin dan UMNO boleh memecah belahkan parti.

“Ini (kritikan) tidak patut diteruskan sebegitu rupa atau tak patut dilayan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkenaan.

“Ini kerana ia boleh memecah belahkan kita. Lebih-lebih lagi dalam parti. Kalau tanya dia memburukkan keadaan di parti, setakat ini saya rasa tidak,” katanya.
Hishammuddin berkata, walaupun kritikan Dr Mahathir boleh memberi kesan kepada parti, tetapi ia tidak berlaku setakat ini.

“Sebelum ini pun ada banyak tuduhan yang dilontarkan kepada Presiden kita, tapi tidak pecah jugak parti,” katanya.

Ditanya adakah wajar Dr Mahathir diambil tindakan tatatertib, Hishammuddin berkata, beliau menyerahkan perkara itu kepada parti.
“Terpulang kepada parti,” tegasnya.


NAJIB IS GUILTY: WSJ says it again - our 1MDB exposé accurate

KUALA LUMPUR - Wall Street Journal’s (WSJ) publisher Dow Jones & Company has confirmed that it responded last week to Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s lawyer’s letter and said it told the prime minister’s legal team that it will continue to stand by the accuracy of its articles on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

A spokesman from Dow Jones did not expressly state, however, if the firm plans on invoking for its defence the SPEECH Act, a federal statutory law in the US that may render any judgment in a defamation suit mounted by the prime minister unenforceable there.

“We have sent another letter in response and have confirmed that we will not be waiving any of our defences.

“We continue to stand behind our fair and accurate reporting of this evolving story,” Dow Jones told Malay Mail Online in an email this morning.

Asked if the firm had answered queries from Najib’s legal team on whether it intends to use the SPEECH Act as its shield in the matter, the Dow Jones spokesman said: “Yes the letter from Dow Jones responded to the most recent lawyer letter and as mentioned below, confirmed that we will not be waiving any of our defences.”

The spokesman also confirmed that it had issued its response “early last week”, which appeared to contradict recent media statements made by Najib’s lawyers.

Last Thursday, a day after the deadline given to Dow Jones for its response, one of Najib’s lawyers, Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun, told reporters that the legal team was still waiting for the firm’s reply.
According to the Umno lawyer, the team was unable to advise the prime minister on whether he should proceed with his previous plan to sue WSJ for defamation over recent articles it published on the 1MDB controversy.

The lawyer had earlier confirmed that the letter to Dow Jones was to find out if the US-based publisher would use the SPEECH Act, or the Securing the Protection of our Enduring and Established Constitutional Heritage (SPEECH) Act, a law that protects Americans from libel action outside the country.

Hafarizam had said his client will not take the futile move of suing WSJ in Malaysia if the publication chooses to invoke the law as the SPEECH Act essentially stipulates that judgments against the publication here that are deemed inconsistent with US free speech laws will render the punishments unenforceable in the US.

He also said the only way his client can circumvent the SPEECH Act — if invoked — is to prove that media freedom and judicial independence in Malaysia are on par with the US.
In an article on July 2, WSJ, citing documents from Malaysian investigators scrutinising 1MDB’s financials, said a money trail showed that almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) had been channelled into what appeared to be the prime minister’s accounts.

The report said, however, that the source of the funds was unknown although it noted that it was the first time that Najib had been linked to the probe on the troubled state investor.

Following WSJ’s July 2 report and a subsequent July 6 opinion piece on the same matter, Najib’s lawyers wrote in to the daily’s publisher, Dow Jones, demanding an explanation.

Dow Jones responded within the 14-day deadline given by the prime minister’s lawyers, saying in their reply letter that the request for clarification was unnecessary as the two articles ― the July 2 news report titled “Malaysia leader’s accounts probed” and the opinion piece on July 6 titled “Scandal in Malaysia” — spoke for themselves and were based on available facts. - Malay Mail

8 Most Haunted Schools in Malaysia 2015


Growing up in Malaysia, it’s not uncommon to hear ghost stories about the school you’re studying in. So it seems that, practically almost every school is supposedly haunted, especially the girls’ toilet for some reason. Maybe because we used to be young and naive? Or maybe some paranormal activities actually did happen before? Who knows?   Here’s 8 of the most haunted schools in Malaysia:  

 8. Penang Free School

This probably doesn’t surprise most of us since it IS the oldest school in Malaysia and South East Asia! It was established since 1816 and being a school this old, haunted tales are sure to surface. Stories such as flickering lights, rustling sounds at night are a common tale. Not sure whether it’s just because of the school’s old structure. There are also claims of a woman’s scream past midnight, allegedly the spirit of a tortured prisoner during the Japanese Occupation.   

7. Chung Ling High School, Penang

The school which was established in 1923 was taken over by the British Army to be used as a military hospital in 1941. During the Japanese Occupation in WW2, there was a massacre against the Chinese Malayan under the term Sook Ching aka “purging of Chinese”. Some the teachers and students from Chung Ling were even killed. With the terrifying history of the school, it’s no wonder scary tales such as the massacred teachers and students seen roaming around the school. Hysteria was even mentioned to have happened in the school and several dogs would occasionally bark at nothing.  

6. SMK Serian, Sarawak 

Back in 2008, 12 schools students broke out into hysteria attacks where they were screaming and in shaking fits which were believed to be induced by a paranormal presence.

Back in 2008, 12 schools students broke out into hysteria attacks where they were screaming and in shaking fits which were believed to be induced by a paranormal presence. The mass hysteria attacks caused so much disruption that classes were suspended by authorities. A student who was affected recalled that his mind went blank and he was not in control of his body. He told The Borneo Post, “I felt very light and I heard strange voices playing in my head,” while his friend claims that he heard his friend’s voice change when he was trying to calm him down.

5. SMK Confucian & Methodist Boys’ School, KL

Most schools was used in WW2 during the Japanese Occupation and these schools were no exception. Methodist Boys’ School was established since 1897 while SMK Confucian in 1906. The two schools were said to be connected through an underground tunnel which was made during the Occupation. There were claims of wandering spirits along the school halls at night and the most commonly heard story was the sight or sound of marching Japanese soldiers past midnight.   

4. SK Danau Perdana, KLThe school was emptied in 2005 and it’s left abandoned up till today. The reason for the abandonment was due to the land being unsafe for occupation as cracks started to appear on walls before it was asked to be shut down. Despite so, stories of paranormal activities in the school was still being passed around. One famous one was that it is occupied by a pontianak, a spirit of women who died while pregnant who was allegedly one of the cleaners of the school.

3. St. Michael’s Institution,Ipoh

 Located in Ipoh, Perak, this well-known school dates all the way back to 1912 and has a long history of events such as the annual drama play, which was first held more than sixty years ago and is still continuing. The school was used by Japanese secret police as their headquarters where lots of tortures were claimed to be carried out. The building itself had many tunnels which had been sealed off and the tunnels were said to be used by the Japanese to torture prisoners and to store food. Most of the sightings occurs in the Chapel on the fourth floor of the bluiding where a Brother was seen dressed in a black robe holding praying beands in a sitting position facing towards the door (which leads to the brothers quarters) in the very early morning without a head.
2. Victoria Institution, KL 

Similarly to SMK Confucian and MBS, VI which was located down the street were also taken over during the Japanese Occupation as a their base. Many British soldiers and locals were brutally tortured to death in the basement and some older buildings on the campus. It is said that not only are apparitions common in the day as well as in the night, there had also been many cases of spirits possessing students. One of the cases being a band member who was practicing till late one night ‘disappeared’ only to be found on top of the water tank later. Apparently he saw a girl by all alone herself, and being courteous, he asked where she was going and he does not remember anything afterwards.

1. SMK Cheras, KL

 Although this school has stayed under the radar for the past years, however it made to the top of the list due to a horrifying incident which happened just less than a couple months ago. A girl who was allegedly possessed was caught on video and she was seen playing with scissors along the corridor. She even kicked at the classroom door and broke a window with her bare hands! Apparently, this wasn’t the first possessed case and several more has happened throughout the years. In case you’ve not seen the video, you can watch it below: 


Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad today urged Malays to emulate their Chinese counterparts in making their case against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Mahathir said Malays, like the Chinese, should transcend party lines when their interests are under threat.

"We need to think about our interests.

"I see the Chinese, if the interests of their race are threatened, they will forget about their party interests," he told a high tea function at which he was the main star.
As such, he urged Umno members to put Malay interests - which he claimed are under threat under Najib's leadership - first.
Zooming in on Umno members in Pekan, Mahathir urged that they continue supporting the party but they should vote against Najib in the next general election.
"If Malays are smart, they will ensure Pekan is lost.
"Do not let Umno lose, but ensure Najib is defeated," he said to loud applause from the floor.
Najib is the MP for Pekan.
Najib fears jail

Mahathir also urged Malays not to be influenced by cash handouts given by politicians.
This, he said, was essential in ensuring Najib is removed from power.
Mahathir also reiterated that Najib refuses to step down because he fears he may be imprisoned for alleged criminal wrongdoing.
The embattled prime minister is embroiled in controversy over the deposit of RM2.6 billion in his personal bank accounts.
In response to allegations that the money is from 1MDB, Najib has only denied taking public funds "for personal gain", while his supporters claim the money was a political donation to Umno from the Middle East.
Earlier this week, Najib, who was in New York for the United Nations general assembly confidently told fund managers there that his position of power is secure.
He told investors that he was in no hurry to return to Malaysia as he did not fear a coup.
He is presently in Italy for the Expo Milano, at the invitation of the Italian prime minister.
Mahathir added that he was confident the value of the ringgit will go up when Njib steps down.
He added that Najib's RM2.6 billion, which he claimed was linked to 1MDB, was the cause of the ringgit's crash. The ringgit has falled to a low of RM4.45 to a US dollar.
"I am that confident if Najib is no longer prime minister, our ringgit will go back up and the carnage will be over," he said.
Even Bank Negara governor Zeti Akthar Aziz, Mahathir added, had also concurred that the ringgit would recover when the 1MDB issue is resolved. - M'kini

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