Anwar Ibrahim newly appointed legal adviser who hails from US, Kimberly Motley is unperturbed by the threat of Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos to chase her out of the country.

Motley, who as a human rights lawyer and was to be part of former Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team said it was not the first time she had encountered such threat in her entire career.

“Anwar is a political prisoner and should be free. I respect people’s right to freedom of speech and it is Jamal’s right to disagree with me.

“However I respect my own freedom of speech which includes my right to not listen to Jamal’s and whoever else’s nonsense.

“If Jamal would like to have a constructive conversation about Anwar’s case and why I know Anwar is innocent, I am happy to discuss it,” Motley told FMT in an e-mail response.

On Sept 15, Jamal urged the public to be present at the Federal Court next month in a bid to chase Motley out of the country.

Motley is expected to be present at the Federal Court on Oct 12 where Anwar’s review of his sodomy 2 conviction would be heard.

Motley added that she looked forward to continuing to be part of Anwar’s legal team and that included going to court.

“Jamal’s actions further demonstrate that Anwar is innocent and should be free,” she said, adding that Jamal’s determination to dismiss Anwar’s legal counsel should be of concern to all Malaysians and people around the world who value truth and justice.

Motley also took to offering Jamal a piece of advice, saying that as an elected official, he should strive to be an example to the “wonderful Malaysian people and should be more interested in following the law and justice.”

Source -FMT-

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