We live in interesting times, at the cusp between moments, in the midst of history being made, on the leading edge of change.
And as with all that change touch, it does not come cheap. It does not come quietly but with the sound and fury of storms.
Especially with those who have lorded over us, under the guise of democratic mandate, now trying to hold on to their plush seats, using all the borrowed power at their disposal.
And so, their once velvet gloves turn into iron fists. Their once smiling mien became snarling gist, as they round up the usual suspects, hoping to cow the rest.

It is easy to be disheartened, to ask if this struggle means anything, as news trickle in, of raids, arrests and harassment.
Against all who fought injustice.
Against all who ask for reforms.
Against all who question those in power.
Against all who ask for new beginnings.
But bleak as things may stand, this is our time, this is our moment, and this is our beloved land.
As one by one they fall, those who fight for us all, more should step up, and make an army out of our resolve.
We must stay the course or all is lost. Join the fight whichever way we can, for it is in the very real sense, a war for the fate of our loved ones.
We have long languished, we have long suffered, we have long sat down as our rights are trampled.

It is time to get up, to rise to the occasion, borrow that line from Trump, and make our democracy great again.
It is time to make our voices heard, for that is what democracy is all about.
It is time to hold the powers-that-be to account, for their authority stems from us.
It is time to tell the whole world that kleptocrats will not rule us for long.
Let us breathe life again into the democracy, which have none since. Let’s make our voices heard, and our will known and felt.

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